School Information Report
At Pendragon Community Primary School we are committed to providing high quality care and education to all our pupils. We believe that all pupils, including those identified as having special education al needs or a disability (SEND), are entitled to a curriculum that is accessible to them. In accordance with this commitment we aim to:
- give children with SEND full access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum;
- ensure that all professionals involved with children with SEND work together in the best interests of the child;
- work in close partnership with parents;
- take into account the views of children with SEND and involve them in planning their education;
- ensure that children with SEND are identified early and monitored closely.
As of March 2022, 14% of the children attending Pendragon Community Primary School have been identified as having special educational needs or disabilities. This is in line with the national average.
Pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) at Pendragon community Primary School is 3% of the school population, which is again in line with the national average. Pupils with an EHCP account for 24% of the pupils identified with SEND.
How does the school know if my child needs extra help?
- We recognise that early recognition and intervention is vital.
- Inform parents at the earliest opportunity of concerns, and to discuss strategies for support both at school and at home.
- Undertake assessments throughout the school year to monitor progress.
- Hold termly data meetings with the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher and SENDCo to review progress.
How will the school support my child?
- Deliver Quality First Teaching in every classroom.
- Ensure that teachers and teaching assistants work as a team around the child.
- Provide support, additional to class teaching, in small groups by a trained teacher or teaching assistant.
- Provide 1:1 support when appropriate and necessary.
- Set targets for specific areas of need and review these on a termly or half termly basis.
- Refer a child, with parents' consent, to external agencies for specific support and guidance
How does the school monitor the effectiveness of the provision provided?
- Keep detailed records of the additional support provided.
- Measure the progress against specific targets for each child on a termly or half termly basis.
- Have regular meetings with parents to discuss progress and discuss future support.
- Share SEND information with the governors on a termly basis.
- Share SEND information with OFSTED during an inspection.
How will we support your child's learning outside the classroom?
- No child will be excluded from an activity when a reasonable adjustment can be made to enable their inclusion.
- Risks assessments will be undertaken for children with specific needs.
- Planning for school trips will consider needs for medical needs, moving, toileting and changing.
- One to one support will be available to children who require supervision to remain safe or need support to move around an unfamiliar environment.
How are the school's resources allocated to support children with Special Educational Needs?
Each classroom is equipped with a range of resources to support learning. If a child needs additional resources, the school will:
- Wherever possible, make specific resources available to the child.
- Where the main resource needed is adult support, the school will endeavour to fund that support.
- Ensure that teachers and teaching assistants have regular training, specific to children with SEND.
What training do staff at Pendragon Community Primary School have to support children with SEND?
All teachers and teaching assistants have regular training to address the needs of all children. Specific training includes:
- A teaching assistant trained in play therapy strategies
- Staff trained to deliver ERT
- Staff trained in the use of Numicon
- Staff trained to deliver speech and language targets and interventions
- Staff experienced in the Attention Autism program
- Dyslexia awareness training
- Attachment disorder training
- Training in how to provide 'scaffolding' for children with SEND
- Training in Makaton (sign language)
- Training in how to use visuals with children
- Training in many specific interventions for children
In addition we have:
- First Aid trained members of staff
- Staff trained in paediatric First Aid
- Diabetes training for some members of staff
- Epi-Pen training for staff
- Step On training (therapeutic behaviour strategies)
- Child protection training
What should parents do if they think their child has Special Educational Needs?
- Talk to your child's class teacher about your concerns.
- Make an appointment to speak to the SENDCo
- Make an appointment to speak to the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher
A child or young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special education provision to be made for him or her. A learning difficulty or disability is a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age. Special educational provision means educational or training provision that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for others of the same age in a mainstream setting in England... Health care provision or social care provision which educates or trains a child or young person is to be treated as special educational provision.
(SEN Code of Practice 2015)
How does Pendragon Community Primary School provide Accessibility?
- Wheelchair access throughout.
- Disabled toilets.
- Disabled parking spaces.
For information on Cambridgeshire County Council’s SEND Local Offer: