Range of Provision
Universal provision for all children |
Targeted support for some children identified as needing help to make good progress |
Personalised provision for children with SEND |
Quality First Teaching which includes differentiated work to match the needs of all learners; accurate assessment; and effective feedback. High Expectations for All, supported by termly achievement tracking and pupil targets which ensure that children in need of additional support are identified. Communication with Parents/Carers, through teacher accessibility in school and by email; Link Ups and information on the school web-site; twice yearly consultation meetings; and pupil reports. Involvement and inclusion of learners, through engaging learning contexts; explicit learning about learning; opportunities for extra-curricular activities; encouragement of pupil voice; a restorative approach to justice; and the opportunity to share concerns and worries in our Happy Sad Club.
In-Class Support, given by teacher or Teaching Assistant (TA) during specific lessons.
Intervention groups, usually led by a trained TA following a specific programme for a set amount of time; may be focused on maths, literacy or social skills.
Extra practice to develop skills, for example extra reading or spelling practice with an adult.
Sensory Circuits, a programme of physical activity which enables children who have sensory, concentration or co-ordination issues to make a positive start to the day.
Support for children with behavioural or emotional needs, provided by a trained HLTA in 1- 1 sessions focusing on issues such as anger management and self esteem. |
SENCo Support: Kathryn Dailly is the school’s SEN co-ordinator, in school for 3 days a week. She takes overall responsibility for children with a higher level of need such as those with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC plans) and Early Help Assessments (EHAs). She oversees referrals to and liaison with outside agencies, which include Educational Psychology, Specialist Teaching Team, Family Workers and health professionals such as Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy and Community Paediatrics. She organises review meetings involving professionals, school staff and parents, and is responsible for the monitoring and administration of SEND provision at all levels. |