Performance Data and Ofsted
At the end of the reception year, children in the Foundation Stage are teacher assessed against the Early Learning Goals. These assessments are reported to parents as part of the Summer Term report to parents.
Year 2 children complete statutory assessment tests in Maths and English (Reading) that are used to inform teacher assessments. Teacher assessments for Reading, Writing, Maths and Science are reported to parents as part of the Summer Term report to parents.
Year 6 children complete statutory assessment tests in Reading; Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Maths during a week in May. All tests are marked externally. Writing is assessed in school and moderated by staff in school, across the cluster of local Primary Schools and by the Local Authority. Statutory assessment test results and teacher assessments are reported as part of the Summer Term report to parents.
Please find below our most recent Ofsted report, and relevant information from the Department of Education Performance Tables.
Progress at Pendragon
Progress is measured for all pupils from the results at Key stage 1 to the tests results at Key stage 2.
Even if a child has not been at a school from Year 3 to Year 6 , the progress of that child is allocated to the school they complete their Year 6 tests in. For example: a child arriving in the Spring term of Year 6 having been in another school until that point will be allocated to this school for their progress score.
Keystage 1 tests are taken at the end of year 2 and are used to support the teacher assessment of the children against national criteria.
Keystage 2 tests are taken in May, 5 papers over 4 days in exam conditions. Some children with specific difficulties may have extra time or a scribe. There is no teacher assessment taken in Year 6 only the results of the formal tests. The tests are marked externally and there is a very rigid marking scheme. The children need to achieve the score of 100 to be judged to be at the age related level, 98 or 99 are not at expected standard even if they are working at or above in the classroom.